Who's Who

Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District

Address: 12109 Highway 166 (6.5 miles west of Mettler, CA), Bakersfield CA 93313 | Phone: 661-858-2281

Sheridan Nicholas, ext. 6075
Email: snicholas@wrmwsd.com

Eric McDaris, ext. 6069
Email: emcdaris@wrmswd.com

Jim Smith, ext. 6063
Email: jsmith@wrmwsd.com

Thomas R. Suggs, ext. 6064
Email: tsuggs@wrmwsd.com

Alexandra Zavala

Greg Loveless, ext. 6078
Email: gloveless@wrmwsd.com

Flower Duenas, ext. 6688
Email: fduenas@wrmwsd.com

Danyel Ruth, ext. 6068
Email: publicrelations@wrmwsd.com (contact email)

Steven M. Torigiani
Young Wooldridge
1800 30th Street, 4th Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Barbich, Hooper, King, Dill, Hoffman
Danhira Barajas Millan, CPA
PO Box 11171
Bakersfield, CA 93389
Phone: (661) 631-1171

Dennis J. Atkinson – President
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Mark B. Valpredo – Vice President
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Jeffrey R. Mettler – Treasurer
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Colby D. Fry – Asst. Treasurer
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661 )858-2281

Jose B. Marin – Secretary
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Michael Blaine – Asst. Secretary
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Allen Lyda – Director
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Jon Reiter – Director
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

Kyle Richardson – Director
12109 Highway 166
Phone: (661) 858-2281

2nd Wednesday @ 8:30 a.m. at the District Office

DISTRICT SIZE: 147,621 acres (231 sq. miles)
WATER SUPPLY: State Water Project (197,088 acre-feet of Table A entitlement), groundwater banking projects and local groundwater resulting in 169,000 acre-feet of average annual deliveries, or 8 million acre feet delivered from 1971 to 2019.
CROPS PRODUCED: Oranges, wine grapes, almonds, table grapes, (over 8,000 acres of each). Grains, cotton, tomatoes, alfalfa, lemons, carrots, pistachios, potatoes, onions, cherries, melons, peaches (3,500 to 1,000 acres each).
OTHER INFO: Founded in 1959, the district is a public agency providing untreated irrigation water service to farms at the south end of the San Joaquin Valley.

WEBSITE: wrmwsd.com
FACEBOOK: @wrmwsd
LINKEDIN: Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District


Water Fact

Water naturally seeks a chemical balance, or equilibrium. That means water flows from areas of higher water concentration to areas of lower water concentration to equalize the system. Water concentration inside a fish is higher than in the ocean because the ocean is so salty. As a result, most saltwater fish constantly lose water through their gills and skin.

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