The Magic of

The Magic of Water

Look for us on Highway 99, Interstate 5, Highway 58, Highway 178 and Seventh Standard. More locations are coming soon!

• Did you know over half the state’s tangerines are grown right here in the Central Valley?

• Citrus is the 4th highest produced crop of Kern County with a local annual value of over a billion dollars

citrus tree, citrus production. The Magic of Water, Bakersfield, Kern County

The Magic of Water Fairy with Oranges found by Highway.

• Kern County is 2nd in the state for citrus production following only Tulare County

• Close to 90% of California’s citrus acreage is in the five leading counties, including Kern County

• Last year alone, California farmers harvested enough navel oranges to fill 76 million 40-pound cartons

• Research from the University of Arizona found that mature citrus trees use about 60 inches of water per year- that’s 17 gallons per day

• The Magic of Water helps bring oranges, tangerines and so much more to your kitchen table!

Follow us for more magic!

Water Fact

A landowner whose property borders a river has a right to use water from that river on his land. This is called riparian rights.

Join the Water Association of Kern County

Help support education, outreach and information about water issues in Kern County.

The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens  and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸

High-Flow Members

River Run Members