Water News

Release of Final Staff Report ahead of February 20th Public Hearing

On February 20, 2025, the State Water Board will hold a public hearing to consider designating the Kern County Subbasin as a probationary basin under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), as part of efforts to ensure groundwater resources will be available into the future for people to use. 

Board staff have released the Final Kern County Subbasin Probationary Hearing Staff Report, outlining staff recommendations to the State Water Board. In developing their recommendations, staff considered materials submitted by the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) in the subbasin and the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) reviews of Groundwater Sustainability Plans submitted in 2020 and 2022, as well as public comments provided at public workshops and submitted in writing. 

If the State Water Board designates the subbasin probationary, it will identify deficiencies (issues) and potential actions that the GSAs in the subbasin could take to address the deficiencies. If the subbasin is designated as probationary, the State Water Board will also identify which groundwater pumpers will need to report their groundwater extractions to the State Water Board and pay fees to the Board, separate from any reporting to and fees from the applicable GSA. The State Water Board may also require specific pumpers to install and use meters or other methods to measure their groundwater extractions. 

How to Participate 

The State Water Board will hold the public hearing at the time and location noted below. There are options to participate in person and remotely. If you are participating remotely and would like to make a public comment or are part of a panel presentation, follow the instructions in the hearing agenda to receive information to join the Zoom meeting. If you want to watch the hearing but do not wish to speak, the English, Spanish, and Punjabi webcasts of the public hearing can be accessed at https://video.calepa.ca.gov

Public Board Hearing
Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

In-Person Location
Coastal Hearing Room
Joe Serna Jr. CalEPA Headquarters Building
1001 I Street, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814 

Spanish and Punjabi interpretation will be provided. For language services other than Spanish and Punjabi, please contact 916.341-5254 or OPP-LanguageServices@waterboards.ca.gov

Public Comments 

Members of the public may submit written comments in advance of the public probationary hearing by contacting the Office of Sustainable Groundwater Management at SGMA-Kern@waterboards.ca.gov no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Please use the subject line: “Comments – Kern County Subbasin.” 

View the public hearing agenda.

Water Fact

California relies on water from the Sierra Nevada snowpack , which melts to provide runoff to rivers and reservoirs. In normal years, melted snowpack typically supplies about 30 percent of the state’s water supply.

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