A new Water Association of Kern County Board of Direc tors was elected November 1 at the organization’s 61st annual meeting. Guest speaker was Jeffrey Kightlinger, General Manager at Metropolitan Water District of Southern California .
The new board is:
Jeanne Varga, President, Consultant
Bill Taube, First Vice President, Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water S torage District
Gene Lundquist, Second Vice President, Kern County Water Agency
Dana Munn, Treasurer, Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District
Larry Rodriguez, Secretary, GEI Consultants
Beth Pandol, Executive Direc tor
Executive Committee
Kim Brown, Wonderful Orchards
Ernest Conant, Young Wooldridge LLP
David Couch, Kern County Board of Supervisors
Steve Dalke, Kern-Tulare Water District
Jason Gianquin to, Semitropic Water S torage District
John Moore, Kern County Farm Bureau
Tim Ruiz, East Niles Community Services District
Harry Starkey, West Kern Water District
David Ansolabehere, Cawelo Water District
Joe Ashley, California Resources Corp.
Eric Averett, Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water S torage District
Les Clark, Independent Oil Producers
Angelica Martin, Tejon Ranch
Jason Meadors, City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department
Mark Mulkay, Kern Delta Water District
Denise New ton, Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
David Nixon, Arvin-Edison Water S torage District
Doug Nunneley, Oildale Mutual Water Company
Scott Thayer, Castle & Cooke, Inc.
Rudy Valles, California Water Service Company
What: A low-flying helicopter under contract to the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board, will begin collecting and recording geophysical measurements for scientific research purposes.
Where: Southern San Joaquin Valley, California with focused efforts near the towns of Lost Hills, But tonwillow and Cawelo. Additional surveying will occur along the San Andreas fault near Parkfield.
When: Starting on or about September 30, 2016, and lasting one to two weeks.
Residents of these areas should expect to see a low-flying helicopter towing a large wire-loop hanging from a cable in the southern San Joaquin Valley and a part of the San Andreas fault near Parkfield, California during the next couple of weeks.
The work is expected to start September 30 and will last about 1 or 2 weeks with a low-flying helicopter collecting and recording geophysical measurements for scientific research purposes.
The SkyTEM helicopter-borne geophysical system will collect measurements in the southern San Joaquin Valley, with focused efforts near the towns of Lost Hills, But tonwillow, and Cawelo, California. Additional surveying will also occur along the San Andreas fault system near Parkfield. These surveys entail flying relatively low to the ground (hundreds of feet above the surface) in a uniform pattern to measure electrical properties of the earth. Data collected during this survey will assist USGS scientists in mapping groundwater salinity, aquifer properties and faults.
SkyTEM ApS, a specialty airborne geophysical company, will conduct the geophysical survey. Experienced pilots, who are specially trained for low-level flying required for geophysical surveys, will be operating the helicopter. The company works with the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure flights are in accordance with U.S. law.
More information about this project can be found here:
http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/ water_issues/programs/groundwater/sb4/regional_moni toring/in dex.shtml
Here is a link to the presentation by Jason Gianquin to at the WAKC Water 101 discussion on June 15. This provides information about California’s water supply, how Kern County gets water, how much we get and where it goes.
The WAKC is happy to assist media in covering water issues/drought in California. If you have questions, need to know who to talk to, how to reach someone or assistance in locating the proper agency/district/organization for a s tory, please call Beth Pandol at 661-302-8171 or email bpandol@wakc.com. Water is a very complicated subject and we are happy to assist you in finding the right sources for your s tories.
If you live in Kern County, your water supply is critical to your everyday life. Whether you work at an au to shop, a retail s tore, a school or a farm, having an adequate water supply is important for your job and your lifestyle. Since Kern County receives just about seven inches of rain a year, it’s important that we maintain our water supply from the northern parts of California, plus conserve what we have here.
WATER SAVING TIP: Do you like the water you drink to be cold? Rather than running the kitchen faucet for several minutes to get cold water, keep a pitcher of water in the refrigera tor
Thank you to our sponsors for the “Every Drop Counts in Kern” campaign PG&E East Niles Community Services District ID-4 of the Kern County Water Agency Oildale Mutual Water Co.
California grows 43 percent of the nation’s fruits, nuts, and vegetables and more than 90 percent of its almonds, grapes, and broccoli. California farmers need water to grow food.
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Help support education, outreach and information about water issues in Kern County.
The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸