Water News


Kern Subbasin deemed inadequate


Sacramento, Calif.The Department of Water Resources (DWR) today announced decisions for groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) for 12 critically overdrafted groundwater basins in Central California. These plans provide a roadmap for how groundwater basins will reach long-term sustainability, while implementing near-term actions such as expanding monitoring programs, reporting annually on groundwater conditions, implementing groundwater recharge projects and designing allocation programs.

Of the 12, plans for six basins are recommend for approval with recommended corrective actions for the basins to remain in an approved status. The remaining six basins are deemed inadequate and are transitioning from DWR’s oversight to the State Water Board for State intervention under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Adopted in 2014, SGMA requires local groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) in medium- and high-priority groundwater basins, which includes 21 critically overdrafted basins, to develop and implement GSPs.

DWR recommends approval of plans for the following basins:

  • Cuyama Basin in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura and Kern counties
  • Paso Robles Subbasin in San Luis Obispo County
  • Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin in San Joaquin County
  • Merced Subbasin in Merced County
  • Westside Subbasin in Fresno and Kings counties
  • Kings Subbasin in Fresno County

DWR deemed the following basin plans Inadequate:

  • Chowchilla Subbasin in Madera and Merced counties
  • Delta-Mendota Subbasin in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno, Madera, and San Benito counties
  • Kaweah Subbasin in Tulare and Kings counties
  • Tule Subbasin in Tulare County
  • Tulare Lake Subbasin in Kings County
  • Kern Subbasin in Kern County

GSAs are required to begin implementing their plans as soon as they are adopted locally, and these activities will continue even if basins are under State intervention. These plans will help local agencies address conditions that negatively impact groundwater within 20 years such as groundwater overdraft, degraded groundwater quality, land subsidence, and impacts to drinking water well users.

The GSAs whose plans are recommended for approval conducted critical analysis of groundwater levels, water quality and inter-connected surface waters to develop and refine sustainable groundwater management criteria. While additional analytical work is needed during implementation, DWR deemed the framework for management sufficient under the law.

“Since the onset of SGMA, local agencies have stepped up with dedication and progress in meeting critical milestones,” said DWR Director Karla Nemeth. “Protecting domestic wells, minimizing land subsidence and protecting groundwater resources are all State priorities. Implementation of these plans, which will require difficult adjustments as we go, will ultimately provide a safe and reliable groundwater supply for communities for generations to come.”

The basins deemed inadequate by DWR did not appropriately address deficiencies in how GSAs structured their sustainable management criteria. The management criteria provide an operating range for how groundwater levels prevent undesirable effects such as overdraft, land subsidence and groundwater levels that may impact drinking water wells, within 20 years. These GSAs did not analyze and justify continued groundwater level declines and land subsidence. Further, the GSPs lacked a clear understanding of how the management criteria may cause undesired effects on groundwater users in the basins or critical infrastructure.

In January 2022, after technical evaluation, DWR found the plans in these 12 critically overdrafted basins to be incomplete, identifying significant deficiencies that precluded approval. The GSAs had 180 days to correct the deficiencies and revise and resubmit their plans to DWR for re-evaluation, consistent with the regulations.

The basins with plans recommended for approval will continue to work with DWR and report on their progress in implementing their plans and completing corrective actions. DWR will transmit each basin deemed inadequate to the State Water Board, which may designate the basin probationary after providing public notice and then holding a public hearing. Any probationary designation will identify the deficiencies that led to intervention and potential actions to remedy the deficiencies. At the hearing, interested parties will have the opportunity to provide comments and technical information to the State Water Board regarding the deficiencies that were identified in the plans. Each basin is unique and will be evaluated individually by the State Water Board. State intervention and oversight is a critical step in making sure these basins succeed in achieving sustainable groundwater conditions. The ultimate goal is to have all basins return to local management with a clear path on how to achieve sustainability within 20 years of their original plan submittal.

DWR supports local agencies by providing planning, technical and financial assistance to help GSAs and local communities in this long-term effort to sustainably manage their groundwater basins. The critically overdrafted basins each received $7.6 million in Sustainable Groundwater Management grant funding to help them implement their plans. Complementary funding programs like DWR’s LandFlex program, state drought assistance programs, and the California Department of Conservation’s Multibenefit Land Repurposing program are helping the most critically overdrafted areas of the state reduce their dependence on groundwater and fast-track progress in reaching local sustainability goals.

Out of a total of 94 groundwater basins required to submit plans under SGMA, DWR has provided determinations for 24 basins and is currently reviewing an additional 61 plans from 59 of the state’s high- and medium- priority basins that were submitted to DWR in January 2022. DWR anticipates issuing determinations for the remaining basins throughout 2023.

Full Press Release

2021 Virtual Water Summit

We can’t thank you enough for attending the 2021 virtual Kern County Water Summit!

We hope you enjoyed discussing crucial water topics such as the Biden Administration update on Federal Water and the report on “Effective Water Rights Response to Climate Change”. As well as analysis added by our keynote speaker, award-winning journalist and author, Mark Arax.

As promised here is the link to access the event for the next year.

Please use the same email you used to register. https://wakc.brand.live/c/kern-county-water-summit

We hope to see you again next year!

Webinar with David Serafini, US Army Corps of Engineers

Webinar with David Serafini, US Army Corps of Engineers

David C. Serafini is the Geosciences Branch Chief for the SPD Dam Safety Production Center and is a Registered Geotechnical Engineer in the State of California. He has over 19 years of experience with the USACE working on geotechnical investigations and designs for both the Military and Civil Works Dam and Levee Safety Missions. He has also worked on risk evaluation, risk management plan alternative development and evaluation, and design of Dam Safety Modifications. He currently serves as the Lead Engineer for the Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project.


Serafini provided a brief project review of the Isabella Dam, an overview of modifications to the main dam, auxiliary dam, service spillway and new emergency spillway as well as Phase ll Construction highlights and status for each feature


Webinar with Karla Nemeth

Karla Nemeth, Direc tor of the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).

January 11, 2021 Webinar with Karla Nemeth,Direc tor California Department of Water Resources

Karla Nemeth was appointed Direc tor of the California Department of Water Resources on January 10, 2018 and was reappointed by Governor Newsom on June 28, 2019.

In cooperation with other agencies, DWR manages California’s water resources to benefit the state’s people, and to protect, res tore, and enhance the natural and human environments.

Nemeth focuses on preparing the Department and state to adapt to more extreme weather as a result of climate change – investing in aging and green infrastructure, better management of groundwater supplies, and various programs to improve local water resilience.

Nemeth provided an update on the Delta Conveyance Project, as well as a summary of DWR projects in Kern County.

Watch the recorded webinar with Direc tor Nemeth on our YouTube channel




Jenny Holtermann named new WAKC Executive Direc tor

The Water Association of Kern County Board of Direc tors has named Jenny Bertagna Holtermann as the new executive direc tor.

Holtermann, a fourth generation California farmer and graduate of California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, has been a blogger, freelance writer and social media advocate as well as sales/grower relations specialist for several agricultural firms in the San Joaquin Valley including SunWorld International and Bayer Crop Science Vegetable Seed. She is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Partners in Advocacy Leadership Program and is a board member of the California Farm Bureau Federation, serving on several committees. She is also second vice president of the Kern County Farm Bureau and a committee member for the Almond Board of California. Along with her husband, she is a co-owner of H& H Family Farms, an almond farming enterprise in Wasco, CA. She is past president of the Kern County branch of the California Women for Agriculture and past chair of the City of Wasco Planning Commission.

“We are so pleased to have Jenny fill our executive direc tor posi ton and know she will do a wonderful job for our organization. She has tremendous credentials,” said Gene Lundquist, president of WAKC. “We have been fortunate to have Beth Pandol as executive direc tor for ten years and believe that Jenny will be able to seamlessly continue our mission.”

Holtermann will begin her duties on September 1, 2020.


Water Fact

Somewhere between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

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Help support education, outreach and information about water issues in Kern County.

The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens  and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸

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