Groundwater Regulation

All of California is undergoing a sharp change in how groundwater is managed. In January of 2015, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act went in to effect. Known as SGMA, this comprehensive statewide groundwater legislation requires for the first time sustainable groundwater management throughout California. The legislation allows local agencies to develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans specific to local conditions, however, if local agencies cannot or will not manage groundwater sustainably, the state will step in.

SGMA mandates that all high and medium priority groundwater basins in California must be managed sustainably over a 20-year implementation period. Kern County water interests are currently working towards compliance with SGMA, so that Kern manages its own groundwater and implements its own plans.

According to the California Department of Water Resources, sustainabiltiy is judged on several key parameters; It is defined as the management and use of groundwater without causing undesirable results. DWR has developed Groundwater Sustainability Plan Regulations which define six “Sustainability Indica tors” for undesirable results. These conditions must be avoided for a basin to be considered sustainable:

1. Significant and Unreasonable reductions in Groundwater Levels

2. Significant and Unreasonable reductions in Groundwater Storage

3. Significant and Unreasonable Land Subsidence

4. Significant and Unreasonable reductions in Groundwater Quality

5. Significant and Unreasonable reductions in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction

6. Significant and Unreasonable Seawater Intrusion (we do not have to address this criteria in Colusa County)

Since groundwater conditions vary greatly throughout the state, “significant and unreasonable” is defined at the basin level by local agencies.

For more information about Kern County’s participation in SGMA, go to:

Kern Groundwater Authority

California Department of Water Resources Groundwater Management and Sustainability Plans


Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency


• Jan. 31, 2022: Groundwater Sustainability Plans must be completed for all high and medium priority basins that are not in overdraft (Jan. 31, 2020 for basins in overdraft).




Water Fact

Friant Dam and Miller ton Lake (520,500-acre-foot capacity), were completed in 1942, on the San Joaquin River northeast of Fresno. The Friant-Kern Canal, was completed in 1949, running 152 miles from Friant to the Kern River in Bakersfield.

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Help support education, outreach and information about water issues in Kern County.

The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens  and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸

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