Water News

2021 Virtual Water Summit

We can’t thank you enough for attending the 2021 virtual Kern County Water Summit!

We hope you enjoyed discussing crucial water topics such as the Biden Administration update on Federal Water and the report on “Effective Water Rights Response to Climate Change”. As well as analysis added by our keynote speaker, award-winning journalist and author, Mark Arax.

As promised here is the link to access the event for the next year.

Please use the same email you used to register. https://wakc.brand.live/c/kern-county-water-summit

We hope to see you again next year!

Water Fact

One acre-foot equals about 326,000 gallons, or enough water to cover an acre of land, about the size of a football field, one foot deep. An average California household uses between one-half and one acre-foot of water per year for indoor and outdoor use.

Join the Water Association of Kern County

Help support education, outreach and information about water issues in Kern County.

The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens  and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸

High-Flow Members

River Run Members