Agricultural Water Use

Kern County is always one of the top ranked counties in agricultural production in California, and in the nation

Over 250 crops are produced in Kern County, ranging from cot ton to pota toes, pistachios to grapes, pomegranates to roses. There are also many dairies, poultry farms and cattle ranches in Kern County.

The 2014 gross value of all agricultural commodities produced in Kern County was $7,552,323,690. This represents an increase (12%) from the 2013 crop value ($6,769,855,590). The top five commodities for 2014 are Grapes, Almonds, Milk, Citrus and Cattle & Calves, which make up more than $5 Billion (66%) of the Total Value; with the top twenty commodities making up more than 78% of the Total Value.

The official 2014 Kern County Crop Report can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards website:

Kern County’s top 20 crops

1. Grapes, All 1,718,183,000 1
2. Almonds, Including By-Products 1,488,182,000 2
3 Milk, Market & Manufacturing 915,124,000 3
4. Citrus, Fresh & Processing 892,874,000 4
5. Cattle & Calves 428,854,000 5
6 Pistachios 401,049,000 6
7. Carrots, Fresh & Processing 288,063,000 7
8. Hay, Alfalfa 227,973,000 8
9. Cot ton, Including Processed Cot tonseed 117,568,000 9
10. Pomegranates, Fresh & Processing 87,313,000 11
11.Pota toes, Fresh & Processing 84,751,000 10
12. Apiary Products 83,737,000 15
13. Toma toes, Fresh & Processing 81,768,000 17
14. Silage & Forage 81,334,000 13
15. Bell Peppers, Fresh & Processing 77,495,000 14
16. Eggs & Egg Product 62,689,000 18
17. Nursery, Fruit and Nut Trees & Vines 52,390,000 16
18. Onions, Fresh & Processing 42,966,000 20
19. Nursery, Roses  335,391,000 19
20.Garlic, Fresh & Processing 34,337,000 23



Water Fact

California relies on water from the Sierra Nevada snowpack , which melts to provide runoff to rivers and reservoirs. In normal years, melted snowpack typically supplies about 30 percent of the state’s water supply.

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The Water Association of Kern County is embarking upon a new, stronger effort to educate the general public about water issues that effect Kern County. A newly designed website, videos, Facebook and Twitter are all methods that will be used as a way of reaching the public. Messages will be simple and clear and provide many sources of information about water so that citizens  and policy makers can become informed and be better decision makers. Learn More ▸

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